Our expert team possesses a profound understanding of the Chinese language and culture, allowing us to offer a wide range of Chinese naming services that reflect your brand’s values and resonate with your target audience.
We offer comprehensive Verbal services for brands to achieve most optimal and at…
痛点 大多数国际品牌进入中国市场前都想为自己取个好中文名,因为中国消费者习惯用中文称呼品牌。如果一个品牌没有中文名,消费者甚至会自行为品牌命名。法国知名百货集团…
Our expert tear possesses a profound understanding of the Chinese language and c…
产品中文昵称命名与产品命名有何不同? 产品昵称与产品名称的区别在于,前者更通俗易懂,更强调与顾客的情感联系。例如,“雅诗兰黛特润修护精华露”是它的正式产品名称,…
The museum industry is stuck in the past. With the exception of a few who have a…
Our expert team possesses a profound understanding of the Chinese language and c…
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