汽车品牌命名 – 悦翔: Chang’An Automobile V101
Chinese names | 悦-yuè | 翔-xiáng |
Character analysis | “悦” used as an adjective means happy, content, and gratified. In ancient times it was written as “说”, which now stands for “say” or “speak”. It can also be used as a verb which means to make someone happy. It is frequently used in phases like “悦耳” (yuè ěr; be pleasing to the ear, sweet-sounding), “心悦诚服”(xīn yuè chéng fú; heartily admire). | “翔” is comprised of two parts: “ 羊” and “羽”. Its original meaning is “hovering /circling in the air”. However, if it is used as an adjective, it has the same meaning as “详” and “祥” which now means detailed and lucky respectively. It always matches the character “飞”. It is often seen in the phase like “飞翔” “翱翔” (fēi xiáng; áo xiáng; fly or soar) |
Chinese names | Character analysis |
悦-yuè | “悦” used as an adjective means happy, content, and gratified. In ancient times it was written as “说”, which now stands for “say” or “speak”. It can also be used as a verb which means to make someone happy. It is frequently used in phases like “悦耳” (yuè ěr; be pleasing to the ear, sweet-sounding), “心悦诚服”(xīn yuè chéng fú; heartily admire). |
翔-xiáng | “越” means to surpass. It is comprised of two parts: “走” (zǒu) and “戉” (yuè). Its original meaning is to exceed, to overstep others. When used as an adverb, it means “more and more”, such as “越多越好”(yuè duō yuè hǎo), the more the better. It is always used in the phrase “越过”(yuè guò)- to go over or to surmount. |
致胜: Ford Mondeo
Chinese names | 致- zhì | 胜-shèng |
Character analysis | “致” is the simplified form of the character “緻” which means cause, send, deliver, gain, express, sacrifice. People always use it in the phases like “兴致”(xìng zhì; manner or style that engages attention or arouses interest), “致贺”( zhì hè; extend congratulations), “致使”(zhì shǐ; cause, result in). | “胜” is the simplified character of “勝” which refers to defeat, win, bear, surpass and check. It is always related to the commendatory terms like victory, triumph, and success. It’s often used in the phase including “胜败”(shèng bài; victory or defeat), “名胜古迹”(míng shèng gǔ jì; scenic spots and historical sites), “胜人一筹”(shèng rén yī chóu; superior, better than) |
Chinese names | 明- míng | 锐- ruì |
Character analysis | “明” is comprised of “日”(sun) and “月”(moon) which means bright, light, and brilliant. Besides that, it means clear, obvious and explicit. It is also one of the most common names for Chinese people. The expression used “明” includes “ 明白”(míng bai; plain,explicit), “明媚”(míng mèi; bright and beautiful), “明显”(míng xiǎn; obvious, evident, apparent) | “锐” originally means sharp, keen, acute, pointed. Besides that, it also means hard-hitting and well-trained; firm and resolute. It’s often used in the phases like “锐利”(ruì lì; sharp,keen),“锐意”(ruì yì; determined and dauntless), “锐不可当”(ruì bù kě dāng; can’t be held back) |
明锐: Skoda Octavia